Friday, November 22, 2019

The Watcher

There I am, watching
Set us free, emancipate us
And we will burn away
Like forest fire

Our smoke will rise to sky
Like unanswered prayers
Ascending, dissipating

All that will be left
Is our truest nature
Laid bare like fresh wounds
Ready to be healed.

Friday, October 11, 2019


When you found me, I was merely an ember
The memory of a raging fire

You picked me up
and breathed on me
and spoke to me
With a tiny breath of the living spirit.

And quietly we walked
through dimly lit trees
sustaining me with your insufflation

In the expanse,
you lay me down with the forest dreg
And I feast upon it
You embolden me with a gust of that living spirit
to become the furious pyre of my genesis

You return me to myself
And I am free

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What We Do

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

Truly, they did not.

Until we shine a light on ourselves,
we know not what we do.
Endlessly we recreate the past
and bring it to our future.

We refuse to question our very thoughts
as if they are God himself speaking.
We like the whispers that we hear.
They validate our shadow.

"I told you you were right"
"They did it on purpose"
"Are you going to let them 
talk to you like that?"

On and on it whispers to you.
Driving chasms between you and the world.

Forgive us, father.
We know not what we do.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Would You Pray?

Would you still pray?
If God was black?

If he did not fit into the mirror you love talking to.

Maybe, when I try to see you,
I look through a hole in a piece of paper
attempting to see the shadow of your eclipse.

I dress you up in clothes like mine
and adorn you with my ideas
of who you are
and should be.
It makes me impregnable to the world.
Impervious to fear...
And to the truth.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I implore you,
descend into the darkness.
There you will find yourself
and other phantoms like you.

Let it cover you
like cold, rushing water
and you will be washed clean
by your surrender.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Harbinger

I am the fire
Blazing in the night.
I scorch away the old,
A harbinger of new life.

There is no love for me.
Only for the beauty that sprouts forth
Many years later,
When I am forgotten.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Forever I am Yours

Sometimes I wonder if you were real.
Perhaps you were a spirit who crossed paths with me 
as you danced through different dimensions.
Or maybe you were just a dream,
A vague shadow that dissipates as I wake.
And so
The only thing I can say is
thank you.

Sometimes we cross paths for some simple reason. 
To serve a small purpose for a sliver of time.
To be the dot of an “i” for another’s opus.

In that splinter
You became an anchor.
A solid rock foundation.
A reminder that I am not alone. 
You were better than me and yet
You humbled yourself.
You took part in my suffering
Like god incarnate.
In flesh, we cannot coincide.
But you will always be mine.
And forever I am yours.